Moms Can Be Fit And Healthy Too!!

by krissdusel

As indicated in my first blog, last February I made a choice to get fit and healthy and to make myself a priority for the first time in a long time.  I have surpassed my goals and continue to feel great about myself.

In my opinion (and based on my experience), if you have a goal of losing weight in mind, slow and steady is the best way to meet your goals and maintain them.  There is always room to put yourself first, but you still have a family to take care of and work responsibilities.  You can throw yourself into 6 days at the gym and feel like you will be able to maintain this, but chances are that this schedule is not going to last. That might work if we were single with no other obligations.  The downfall of going full force ahead is that you get discouraged quickly and then give up completely!  Bad idea!!!

If you were like me, I did not workout one single day of my life.  Yes.  I did outdoor activities with my kids, but it is not the same thing.  At one point for a couple of months I was working out 6 days a week.  My 6 days a week was about 30 minutes at a time in my house.  So 30 minutes was 30 minutes. I did not have to account for driving time.  I did not jump into that kind of schedule.  I eased into it.  I truly believe that I am maintaing now because I went into the process slowly, revved it up WHEN I WAS READY, and then slowed back down when I hit my goal and was ready to maintain.

On the other hand, you can not ease into eating healthy.  This is a lifestyle change and you have to approach it head on.  If you do not rid your body of all the sweets and junk, it will never get use to and appreciate all the healthy food.  Now that I am maintaining, I do have sweets here and there, but I truly rarely crave them.  I have had a can of Cherry Pepsi in my fridge for 2 months.  I haven’t had any urge to drink it.  Why? because my body craves the good stuff now.

I apologize if I am repeating myself, but I am so passionate about my new lifestyle and want to spread this passion with anyone who will listen.

You can NOT start from nothing and go hog wild.  It is a crazy amount of pressure on yourself which sets you up for failure.